Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The plane didn't go down...

I wasn't taken hostage or somehow kept from the blog world by a natural disaster. I actually arrived home safe and sound a week ago.

My trip to Nashville was awesome. I met some great friends and spent time with a wonderful little girl. My Biggest Loser audition was exciting and again led me to meet more friends.

I fell in love with a book store.

I didn't see Tim McGraw.

But all in all I really enjoyed the trip. And it changed me. In major and minor ways. The most major being I quit smoking when I came back. It's a struggle. Even now, on day 6 I am struggling to not smoke. I find as I get stressed I really want one. But I'm holding steady.

It's not that I didn't want to blog. Between homeschooling Brat and getting back into the real world I managed to escape for a week, I just haven't had time or energy. But one of my many changes is with this blog. I plan to blog daily.

So be warned. I might resort to sharing stories from my life LOL.


Thursday, March 11, 2010

Attention Passengers....

I am off. Flying the big blue sky. Heading south. Hopefully heading into some warmth. Saturday is the casting call for Biggest Loser in Nashville, TN. So I am headed out first thing in the morning to stay with a friend.

I have been blessed by so many friends, family and prayers.

No matter what happens on Saturday, this will be the time my life has changed. I've already started with replacing things in our diet and making healthy meals.

And of course Jillian Michaels is trying to kill me.

So I am off for Music City. I probably won't get much of a chance to blog. But when I get back I'll tell you all about it.


Monday, March 8, 2010

Are you smarter than a fifth grader?

Brat loves that game show. She even has the DS game for it. I, however, am not a fan. But mainly because through this game I have learned that I am not, in fact, smarter than a fifth grader. And ironically, Brat is a fifth grader.

So what does this mean for me? It means that in regards to those boring school subjects I ignored took many years ago-- my child is smarter than me. Scary isn't it?

Know what makes it even more scary? I have decided to homeschool Brat. Apparently I have decided that the million things I must do, plan and keep track of were not enough. I wanted more things to figure out. More things to have to organize. More paperwork in my life.

It's been a long time coming. Brat just has needs not being met at school. Things that are important. I've watched her struggle for many years only seeing it get worse. I've realized this year that the powers that be have the communication abilities of my living room wall. I can talk all day, but when all is said and done, no one has talked back.

So I did it. I pulled her out of school. I signed up for some online classes for her. And viola...we have homeschool. I do have many ideas and plans to implement once the new wears off.

She is currently taking her math lessons.

I am sipping diet mountain dew and playing mafia wars. Don't hate. You probably are addicted to some facebook game as well. Mine just has to do with killing, earning money and dominating the world.

Maybe this won't be so scary after all. As long as Jeff Foxworthy doesn't appear and start quizzing me.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

The future American Idol auditions in the making

Brat's school has a talent show, though I use the title loosely. They call it a talent show. They even have the process of auditioning and waiting to see if you made it. Which only leaves me wondering how bad the kids were that got rejected.

Every year they narrow it down to their best. And that in itself is scary. Especially since she attends a school for the arts.

Hers was this past Tuesday. We attend. We kind of have to. Brat is always in it. And well I may sound like a bragging mom, and I probably am, but she definitely rates in the top 3-4 of the night. Of course so could I and I sound like I'm killing a cat when I sing. But seriously Brat has a beautiful voice and we are currently in the process of getting her a voice coach.

But these other kids??

Whew. In the first act they had an 8th grader play the Star Spangled Banner on electric guitar. He was really good. Which I could not say for the girl who chose to play electric guitar while singing (I think??) to a Taylor Swift song. Oh my ears.

They had several piano players that sounded like a recital of the first song you learned to play. A couple of comedy routines that I thought would never end. Several singers that scared the small children. And a few dancers that did great jobs of walking circles.

In their defense they had a couple of great singers, the staff did an awesome song as well and then they finished with a family dance routine that totally blew you away.

But the rest....I see chicken suits and Simon Cowell saying "What the bloody hell was that?" in their future.

Speaking of American in tarnation did Haley Vaughn make it onto the show? Her rendition of The Climb made my ears bleed.

I'm evil. I'm probably going to hell. But I'm taking you all with me!
